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BoM spot Howlingwolve

About Me

Depala, Pilot Exemplar

Planeswalkers 2
Nahiri, the Harbinger
Daretti, Scrap Savant

Creatures 27
Dwarves 15
Toolcraft Exemplar 1/1 (Control artifact +2/1, control 3 artifacts first strike.)
Pardic Miner 1/1 (Sacrifice, target player can’t play land this turn)
Restoration Specialist 2/1 (Sacrifice, return artifact and up to one enchantment from graveyard to hand)
Sram, Senior Edificer 2/2 (When you cast an aura, equipment or vehicle, draw a card)
Aethergeode Miner 3/1 (When miner attacks get , pay : exile miner, then return it to the battlefield)
Veteran Motorist 3/1 (Enters the battlefield, scry 2, when motorist crews a vehicle +1/1)
Renegade Wheelsmith 3/2 (When tapped, target creature can’t block this turn)
Aerial Responder 2/3 (Flying, vigilange, lifelink)
Fairgrounds Warden 1/3 (Enters the battlefield exile target creature, till warden leaves the battlefield)
Master Trinketeer 3/2 (Servos and thopters +1/1. Create 1/1 servo token.)
Duergar Hedge-Mage 2/2 (Enters battlefield, control 2 mountains, destroy artifact, controls 2 plains, destroy artifact.)
Dwarven Recruiter 2/2 (Enters battlefield, search library for any number of Dwarf cards, put them on top)
Dwarven Vigilantes 2/2 (When attacks and isn’t blocked, deal dmg to target creature.)
Dwarven Bloodboiler 2/2 (Tap Dwarf, target creature gets +2/0 until end of turn.)
Mine Layer 1/1 (: put a minecounter on target land.)

Shapeshifters 2
Mirror Entity 1/1 (Changeling, until end of turn, creatures have X/X and gain all creature types.)
Taurean Mauler 2/2 (Changeling, when opponent casts spell, put +1/1 on Tauren Mauler.)

Artifact creatures 6
Myr Retriever 1/1 (When dies return artifact from graveyard to hand.)
Steel Overseer 1/1 ( put +1/1 on each artifact creature.)
Metallic Mimic 2/1 (Choose creature type and pumps others when enter the battlefield +1/1.)
Chief of the Foundry
Adaptive Automaton 2/2 (Choose creature type and pumps others +1/1.)
Solemn Simulacrum 2/2 (Enters the battlefield search basic land, put tapped on battlefield.)
Metalwork Colossus 10/10 (Costs less, for total converted mana costs of non-creature artifacts.)

Others 3
Goblin Welder 1/1 ( switch artifact on the board and graveyard)
Speedway Fanatic 2/1 (Haste, when crews vehicle, vehicle gets haste.)
Sun Titan 6/6 (When attacks return target permanent from graveyard to battlefield)

Untap creatures 3
Duergar Mine-Captain 2/1 (: attacking creatures get +1/0 until end of turn.)
Order of Whiteclay 2/2 (: return creature with mana cost 3 or less.)
Felhide Spiritbinder 3/4 (When untapped you may pay , create token/copy of another creature, gains haste, exile at next end step.)

Mana creatures:
Weathered Wayfarer
Oreskos Explorer
Gold Myr
Iron Myr
Palladium Myr

Heart of Kiran
Smuggler's Copter
Aethersphere Harvester
Cultivator's Caravan
Daredevil Dragster
Mobile Garrison
Peacewalker Colossus
Renegade Freighter
Ovalchase Dragster
Fleetwheel Cruiser
Bomat Bazaar Barge
Untethered Express
Aradara Express
Skysovereign, Consul Flagship

Enlightened Tutor

Card draw
Faithless Looting (Draw 2, discard 2, flashback )
Tormenting Voice (Discard 1, draw 2)
Wild Guess (Discard 1, draw 2)
Cathartic Reunion (Discard 2, draw 3)

Discard cards
Burning Inquiry (Each player draws 3 and discards 3 at random)
Control of the Court (Draw 4, discard 3 at random)
Goblin Lore (Draw 4, discard 3 at random)
Wheel of Fortune (Each player discards, hand, draws 7)
Reforge the Soul (Each player discards hand, draws 7, miracle )

Wrath of God
Day of Judgment
Winds of Rath
Austere Command

Phase out
Eerie Interlude
Teferi's Protection

Control battle
Master Warcraft

Additional combat phase
Savage Beating
Waves of Aggression
World at War

Mana ramp
Gift of Estates
Oath of Lieges
Mana Echoes

Card manipulation
Sensei's Divining Top
Scroll Rack

Card draw
Temple Bell ( each player draws a card)
[Mind’s Eye]
Memory Jar

Mycosynth Wellspring
Sword of the Animist

Mana ramp
Lotus Petal
Sol Ring
Mana Vault
Mind Stone
Darksteel Ingot
Commander's Sphere
Worn Powerstone
Basalt Monolith
Thran Dynamo
Hedron Archive
Gilded Lotus

Tribal artifacts
Urza's Incubator
Door of Destinies
Vanquisher's Banner
Coat of Arms
Obelisk of Urd
Caged Sun

Mirage Mirror
Mimic Vat

Artifact lands
Ancient Den
Great Furnace
Darksteel Citadel

Fetch lands
Evolving Wilds
Terramorphic Expanse
Ash Barrens
Myriad Landscape

Creature lands
Mishra's Factory
Inkmoth Nexus
Blinkmoth Nexus

Buried Ruin
Mikokoro, Center of the Sea
Spire of Industry
Inspiring Vantage
Inventors' Fair
Aether Hub
Sunhome, Fortress of the Legion
Command Tower
Rogue's Passage
Unclaimed Territory

Bomb Squad
Jor Kadeen, the Prevailer
Recruiter of the Guard
Angelic Field Marshal
Aeronaut Admiral
Solemn Recruit
Visionary Augmenter
Deadeye Harpooner
Dwarven Thaumaturgist
Remember the Fallen
Hammer of Purphoros

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