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Melek is op zoek naar korting (WIP)

Update by Koth1154 19 days ago

Deck List
Suggested tokens


Counterspells with additional value (7):
Access Denied, Desertion, Hurl into History, Mystic Confluence, Spell Swindle, Rewind, Unwind

More counterspells:
Arcane Denial, Disallow, Thassa's Intervention

Bolt Bend, Return the Favor, Swiftfoot Boots, Supplant Form

Avoidance (5)
Artful Dodge, Shadow Rift, Slip Through Space, Trailblazer's Boots, Wonder

Semi Board wipes (3)
Blasphemous Act, Ill-Timed Explosion, Immolating Gyre

Removal & Bounce (5)
AEtherize, AEtherspouts, Curse of the Swine, Chaos Warp, Reality Shift

Flings (6):
Fling, Gravitic Punch, Kazuul's Fury, Pyrrhic Blast, Soul's Fire, Thud

Non budget:
Chrome Host Seedshark, Shark Typhoon, Ojer Pakpatiq, Deepest Epoch

Mana curve

Card type distribution

Mana symbols

Random start hand

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